Dennis W. Archer Jr., Esq., the Chairman & CEO of sixteen42 ventures, works each day to live his mentor, Charles Allen’s mantra “doing well while doing good”. Throughout his business career, Dennis has continuously worked to push his companies, boards and any organizations with which he works to ensure they are ahead of the game as it relates to diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives and to open the door of rooms to which he’s invited to those deserving to join but not on the list. Sixteen42 is the parent company to a number of operating companies and strategic investments. Archer leveraged his background in marketing and advertising, creating a dynamic portfolio of companies, providing jobs and professional growth opportunities to his teams. The operating companies include Archer Corporate Services (where Dennis is a co-founder and serves as President), Ignition Media Group and Central Kitchen + Bar. Sixteen42’s investments occupy several industry verticals to include tech, alternative healthcare, film production, targeted hedge funds, hospitality, and cannabis. sixteen42 ventures, backs the “jockey” as opposed the “horse” where there are opportunistic openings in mature and evolving markets.